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Plugged Tour 1998
Tori's message from the Plugged '98 tour book
I am aware more of clocks now that we're on the road. When we're not on the road I meander and curve around till I figure out where I want to go sometimes just curving around is the funnest it gets.
At about 4.00 PM, when we're touring, another sensation makes herself slowly known. The sensation is without question a presence that I cannot put a name to. What I do know is that she tries to give me and the crew clues to where the current in tonight's "show" is.
At soundcheck, for me anyway, I haven't found my emotional way "in". It usually isn't until I go sit backstage and just allow myself to travel with a Jaguar Eye.
Sometimes I sense one of the band or one of the crew has found an etheric way "in" to that particular town's current - so they become a window in order for the rest of us to prepare the magic carpet ride.
Obviously everybody that shows up brings a different set of maps and codes and decoding devices that decide our course.
As always, I never know where we're going but I know we're going.
See you there.
Bösendorfer piano & Kurzweil keyboard: Tori Amos
Guitars: Steve Caton
Drums: Matt Chamberlain
Bass: Jon Evans
tour dates & setlists
Sneak Preview Club Tour
April 18, 1998
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - The Chili Pepper
Black-Dove (January) Cruel Tear in Your Hand Liquid Diamonds Precious Things Jackie's Strength Playboy Mommy
Upside Down (solo) Cloud On My Tongue (solo)
Putting the Damage On Spark iieee The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Horses
Encore 2: Winter (solo) Northern Lad
April 19, 1998
April 20, 1998
Atlanta, Georgia - The Roxy
Black-Dove (January) Cruel Tear in Your Hand Liquid Diamonds Precious Things Jackie's Strength Northern Lad
Icicle (solo) Here. In My Head (solo)
Putting the Damage On Spark iieee The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Doughnut Song Mother (solo)
Encore 2: God Horses
April 21, 1998
April 22, 1998
Washington, DC - 9:30 Club
Black-Dove (January) iieee Tear in Your Hand Precious Things Liquid Diamonds Jackie's Strength Playboy Mommy
Upside Down (solo) Icicle (solo)
Putting the Damage On Spark Cruel The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Horses
Encore 2: God
April 23, 1998
New York, New York - Irving Plaza
Black-Dove (January) iieee Precious Things Liquid Diamonds Tear in Your Hand Jackie's Strength Northern Lad
Icicle (solo) Upside Down (solo)
Putting the Damage On Spark Cruel The Waitress
Encore 1: God Horses
Encore 2: Silent All These Years (solo)
April 24, 1998
April 25, 1998
Boston, Massachusetts - Avalon
Black-Dove (January) Cruel Horses Precious Things Liquid Diamonds Jackie's Strength Northern Lad
Baker Baker (solo) Upside Down (solo)
Doughnut Song iieee Tear in Your Hand The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Spark
Encore 2: God Merman (solo)
April 26, 1998
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Electric Factory
Black-Dove (January) iieee Spark Precious Things Liquid Diamonds Jackie's Strength Playboy Mommy
China (solo) Icicle (solo)
Putting the Damage On Tear in Your Hand Cruel The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine God
Encore 2: Cloud On My Tongue (solo) Horses
April 27, 1998
April 28, 1998
Toronto, Canada - Phoenix Concert Theatre
Black-Dove (January) iieee Precious Things Liquid Diamonds Doughnut Song Jackie's Strength Spark
Mother (solo) Baker Baker (solo)
Northern Lad Horses Cruel The Waitress
Encore 1: God Cooling (solo)
Encore 2: Tear in Your Hand
April 29, 1998
Detroit, Michigan - St. Andrews
Black-Dove (January) iieee Precious Things Northern Lad Liquid Diamonds Tear in Your Hand Jackie's Strength
Here. In My Head (solo) Cloud On My Tongue (solo)
Horses Spark Cruel The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine God
Encore 2: Landslide (solo)
April 30, 1998
Chicago, Illinois - Park West
Black-Dove (January) iieee Precious Things Spark Cruel Liquid Diamonds Tear in Your Hand
Silent All These Years (solo) Icicle (solo)
Putting the Damage On Horses Northern Lad The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine God
Encore 2: Cornflake Girl
May 1, 1998
May 2, 1998
May 3, 1998
Seattle, Washington - Moore Theater
Black-Dove (January) iieee Precious Things Liquid Diamonds Cornflake Girl Jackie's Strength
Leather (solo) China (solo)
Putting the Damage On Horses Cruel The Waitress
Encore 1: Spark God
Encore 2: Tear in Your Hand
May 4, 1998
May 5, 1998
San Francisco, California - the Fillmore
Black-Dove (January) Cruel Precious Things Spark Liquid Diamonds Cornflake Girl Northern Lad
Mother (solo) Upside Down (solo)
Honey iieee Tear in Your Hand The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine God
Encore 2: Horses
May 6, 1998
Los Angeles, California - El Rey theater
Black Dove (January) iieee Precious Things Liquid Diamonds Cornflake Girl Jackie's Strength Tear in Your Hand
Icicle (solo) Silent All These Years (solo)
Northern Lad Spark |Cruel The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine God
Encore 2: Horses
May 7, 1998
Los Angeles, California - Palace Theater Parking Lot
KROQ Breakfast With Tori
Black-Dove (January) Spark The Waitress She's Your Cocaine Cornflake Girl
European Tour
May 20, 1998
Liverpool, UK - Royal Court Theatre
Black-Dove (January) iieee Precious Things Liquid Diamonds Cornflake Girl Northern Lad Raspberry Swirl
Leather (solo) Icicle (solo)
Honey Spark Cruel The Waitress
Encore 1: Tear in Your Hand God
Encore 2: Horses
May 21, 1998
Manchester, UK - Manchester Apollo
Black-Dove (January) Cruel Cornflake Girl Liquid Diamonds Precious Things Playboy Mommy iieee
Silent All These Years (solo) Cloud On My Tongue (solo)
Putting the Damage On She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore 1: Spark God
Encore 2: China (solo)
May 22, 1998
Glasgow, UK - Clyde Auditorium
Black-Dove (January) iieee Cornflake Girl Precious Things Jackie's Strength Liquid Diamonds Raspberry Swirl
Leather (solo) Baker Baker (solo)
Honey Spark Cruel The Waitress
Encore 1: God Tear in Your Hand
Encore 2: Horses
May 23, 1998
May 24, 1998
Newcastle, UK - City Hall
Black Dove (January) iieee Precious Things Northern Lad Liquid Diamonds Cornflake Girl Cruel
Upside Down (solo) Winter (solo)
Horses Spark Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore 1: God Tear in Your Hand
Encore 2: Landslide (solo)
May 25, 1998
Wolverhampton, UK - Wolverhampton Civic Hall
Black Dove (January) Cruel Cornflake Girl Playboy Mommy Precious Things Spark Honey
Mother (solo) Icicle (solo)
Liquid Diamonds She's Your Cocaine iieee The Waitress
Encore 1: Tear in Your Hand Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Thank You (solo)
May 26, 1998
Plymouth, UK - Plymouth Pavillions
Black-Dove (January) Cruel Cornflake Girl iieee Pretty Good Year Precious Things Horses
Leather (solo) Marianne (solo)
Northern Lad Liquid Diamonds God The Waitress
Encore 1: Spark Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Silent All These Years (solo)
May 27, 1998
May 28, 1998
Portsmouth, UK - Portsmouth Guildhall
Black-Dove (January) iieee Cruel Honey Pretty Good Year Precious Things Playboy Mommy
Winter (solo) Here. In My Head (solo)
Raspberry Swirl Putting the Damage On Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: Liquid Diamonds Horses
Encore 2: Baker Baker (solo)
May 29, 1998
Nottingham, UK - Royal Centre
Black-Dove (January) Precious Things She's Your Cocaine Jackie's Strength Cornflake Girl iieee Horses
Silent All These Years (solo) Sister Janet (solo)
Northern Lad Spark Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore 1: Cruel Honey
Encore 2: Cooling (solo)
May 30, 1998
Sheffield, UK - Sheffield City Hall
Black-Dove (January) iieee Cruel Cornflake Girl Doughnut Song Space Dog Horses
China (solo) Upside Down (solo)
Jackie's Strength Liquid Diamonds Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: Tear in Your Hand Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Angie (solo) Song for Eric (a capella)
May 31, 1998
June 1, 1998
Nord Holland, the Netherlands - Pinkpop Festival
Black-Dove (January) Cornflake Girl Precious Things iieee Tear in Your Hand Spark Cruel Horses Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
June 2, 1998
London, UK - Royal Albert Hall
Black-Dove (January) Cruel Cornflake Girl Liquid Diamonds Precious Things Jackie's Strength Horses
Leather (solo) Winter (solo)
Northern Lad iieee Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: Tear in Your Hand Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Baker Baker (solo)
June 3, 1998
London, UK - Royal Albert Hall
Black-Dove (January) iieee Precious Things Honey Cornflake Girl Jackie's Strength Cruel
Silent All These Years (solo) China (solo)
Pretty Good Year Spark Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Horses
Encore 2: Landslide (solo)
June 4, 1998
June 5, 1998
Paris, France - Grand Rex
Black-Dove (January) Cornflake Girl iieee Cruel Precious Things Pretty Good Year Spark
Leather (solo) Icicle (solo)
Jackie's Strength Liquid Diamonds Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore 1: God Northern Lad
Encore 2: Horses
June 6, 1998
June 7, 1998
June 8, 1998
Berlin, Germany - Columbiahalle
Black-Dove (January) Cruel Cornflake Girl Precious Things Liquid Diamonds Spark Horses
Leather (solo) Icicle (solo)
Northern Lad Space Dog iieee The Waitress
Encore 1: Tear in Your Hand Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Honey Song for Eric (a capella)
June 9, 1998
Frankfurt, Germany - Alte Oper
Black-Dove (January) Precious Things iieee Cornflake Girl Playboy Mommy Pretty Good Year Cruel
Here. In My Head (solo) Winter (solo)
Horses Spark She's Your Cocaine The Waitress
Encore 1: God Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Putting the Damage On
June 10, 1998
Den Haag, the Netherlands - Congresgebouw
Black-Dove (January) Cruel Crucify iieee Cornflake Girl Doughnut Song Liquid Diamonds
China (solo) Upside Down (solo)
Jackie's Strength Precious Things Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: Space Dog Horses
Encore 2: God Raspberry Swirl
June 11, 1998
Hamburg, Germany - Stadtpark
Black-Dove (January) She's Your Cocaine Cornflake Girl iieee Honey Space Dog Spark
Thank You (solo) Cloud On My Tongue (solo)
Northern Lad Precious Things Cruel The Waitress
Encore 1: Crucify Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Horses
June 12, 1998
June 13, 1998
Bonn, Germany - Museumsplatz
Black-Dove (January) iieee Spark Precious Things Cornflake Girl Playboy Mommy Cruel
Silent All These Years (solo) Icicle (solo)
Pretty Good Year Liquid Diamonds Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore 1: Tear in Your Hand Crucify
Encore 2: Sugar (solo)
June 14, 1998
Stuttgart, Germany - Killesberg
Black-Dove (January) Cornflake Girl Cruel Precious Things Liquid Diamonds Doughnut Song Horses
Butterfly (solo) Baker Baker (solo)
Honey Crucify iieee The Waitress
Encore 1: Space Dog Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Leather (solo) God
June 15, 1998
Vienna, Austria - Libro Halle
Black-Dove (January) iieee Precious Things Crucify Spark Cornflake Girl Pretty Good Year
Upside Down (solo) China (solo)
Northern Lad Cruel Liquid Diamonds The Waitress
Encore 1: Space Dog Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Tear in Your Hand
June 16, 1998
June 17, 1998
Nuremberg, Germany - Serenadenhof
Black-Dove (January) Crucify Cruel Space Dog Spark Cornflake Girl Little Amsterdam
Take to the Sky (solo) Winter (solo)
Honey iieee Precious Things The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Horses
June 18, 1998
Munich, Germany - Philharmonie
Black-Dove (January) iieee Cornflake Girl Playboy Mommy Crucify Liquid Diamonds Horses
Here. In My Head (solo) Baker Baker (solo)
Jackie's Strength Spark Space Dog The Waitress
Encore 1: Cruel Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Silent All These Years (solo)
June 19, 1998
June 20, 1998
Z rich, Switzerland - Kongresshaus Z rich
Black-Dove (January) iieee Crucify Cornflake Girl Liquid Diamonds Space Dog Playboy Mommy
Winter (solo) Over the Rainbow (solo)
Little Amsterdam Cruel Spark The Waitress
Encore: God Raspberry Swirl
June 21, 1998
Imola, Italy - Heineken Jammin' Festival
Black-Dove (January) Cruel Precious Things Cornflake Girl Liquid Diamonds iieee The Waitress Raspberry Swirl
June 22, 1998
June 23, 1998
Frankfurt, Germany - Alte Opera
Black-Dove (January) Crucify iieee Cornflake Girl Little Amsterdam Cruel Doughnut Song
China (solo) Alamo (solo)
Jackie's Strength Space Dog Liquid Diamonds The Waitress
Encore 1: Spark Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Precious Things She's Your Cocaine
June 24, 1998
June 25, 1998
Copenhagen, Denmark - Roskilde Festival
Precious Things Cornflake Girl iieee Crucify Cruel Spark God The Waitress Raspberry Swirl
June 26, 1998
June 27, 1998
Pilton, UK - Glastonbury Festival
"Making Mountains Out of Mudpies"
Precious Things Cornflake Girl Raspberry Swirl (w/ a line from Professional Widow) God Crucify Cruel Tear in Your Hand The Waitress
June 28, 1998
June 29, 1998
June 30, 1998
July 1, 1998
Kristiansand, Norway - Quart Festival
Precious Things Cornflake Girl Cruel Crucify Raspberry Swirl iieee Space Dog Spark The Waitress
Encore: She's Your Cocaine
July 2, 1998
July 3, 1998
Midtfyns, Denmark - Midtfyns Festival
Precious Things She's Your Cocaine Cornflake Girl iieee Crucify Cruel Tear in Your Hand Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
July 4, 1998
Torhout, Belgium - Torhout & Werchter Festival
Precious Things Cornflake Girl Raspberry Swirl iieee Crucify Cruel Space Dog She's Your Cocaine The Waitress
July 5, 1998
Werchter, Belgium - Torhout & Werchter Festival
Precious Things Cornflake Girl Cruel Little Amsterdam iieee Raspberry Swirl (w/ Professional Widow excerpt) God Spark The Waitress

Tori and Mr. Puppethead
North American Tour
July 15, 1998
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Mecca Auditorium (The Wisconsin Center)
Precious Things iieee Cornflake Girl Honey Crucify Space Dog
China (solo) Cloud on my Tongue (solo)
Jackie's Strength Cruel Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Horses
July 16, 1998
July 17, 1998
Minneapolis, Minnesota - Northrup Auditorium
Precious Things Spark Cornflake Girl Sugar iieee Playboy Mommy Crucify
Marianne (solo) Upside Down (solo)
Doughnut Song Cruel Liquid Diamonds The Waitress
Encore 1: God Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Landslide (solo)
July 18, 1998
Ames, Iowa - Stephens Auditorium
Black-Dove (January) Cruel Space Dog Honey Cornflake Girl iieee Caught a Light Sneeze
Butterfly (solo) Silent All These Years (solo)
Northern Lad Precious Things Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: Little Amsterdam Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Sister Janet (solo) Song for Eric (a capella)
July 19, 1998
Chicago, Illinois - Rosemont Horizon
Precious Things iieee (talk) Cornflake Girl Crucify Spark Sugar Tear in Your Hand
Winter (solo) Cooling (solo)
Jackie's Strength Cruel Space Dog The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Northern Lad Horses
July 20, 1998
July 21, 1998
Cincinnati, Ohio - The Crown
Precious Things Spark Cornflake Girl Pretty Good Year Caught a Lite Sneeze Playboy Mommy Liquid Diamonds
Take to the Sky (solo) Leather (solo)
Honey Crucify iieee The Waitress
Encore 1: Black-Dove (January) Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: She's Your Cocaine Horses
July 22, 1998
Cleveland, Ohio - CSU Convocation Center
Precious Things iieee Sugar God Cruel Playboy Mommy Cornflake Girl
Mary (solo) Baker Baker (solo)
Putting the Damage On Space Dog Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Crucify
Encore 2: Silent All These Years (solo)
July 23, 1998
Detroit, Michigan - The Palace at Auburn Hills
Precious Things Cruel Cornflake Girl Sugar Honey iieee Space Dog
Hey Jupiter (solo) Here. In My Head (solo)
Jackie's Strength Caught a Lite Sneeze Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: Little Earthquakes She's Your Cocaine
Encore 2: Icicle (solo) Horses
July 24, 1998
July 25, 1998
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Molson Amphitheatre

Precious Things Little Amsterdam Cruel Tear in Your Hand Cornflake Girl Spark
Take to the Sky (solo) Landslide (solo)
Putting the Damage On Crucify Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore: She's Your Cocaine Horses
July 26, 1998
Montreal, Quebec Canada - Molson Centre
Precious Things Little Amsterdam Cruel Cornflake Girl Playboy Mommy Sugar
China (solo) Baker Baker (solo)
Honey Tear in Your Hand Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore: She's Your Cocaine Horses
July 27, 1998
July 28, 1998
New York, New York - Madison Square Garden
Precious Things Cruel Cornflake Girl Spark iieee Sugar
Leather (solo) Landslide (solo)
Jackie's Strength Tear in Your Hand Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine God
Encore 2: Horses
July 29, 1998
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Corestates Spectrum
Precious Things Little Amsterdam Crucify Cruel Honey Cornflake Girl
Hey Jupiter (solo) Landslide (solo)
Jackie's Strength Tear in Your Hand Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Horses
Encore 2: Playboy Mommy
July 30, 1998
July 31, 1998
August 1, 1998
Boston, Massachusetts - Fleet Center
Precious Things Cruel Caught a Lite Sneeze Jackie's Strength God Cornflake Girl
Winter (solo) Cooling (solo)
Putting the Damage On Spark Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine iieee
Encore 2: Horses
August 2, 1998
Springfield, Massachusetts - Symphony Hall
Precious Things Spark Cruel Sugar Cornflake Girl Little Amsterdam
Merman (solo) Marianne (solo)
Jackie's Strength Liquid Diamonds Caught a Lite Sneeze The Waitress
Encore 1: Black-Dove (January) Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Landslide (solo) Horses
August 3, 1998
August 4, 1998
Wallingford, Connecticut - Oakdale Theatre
Precious Things God Playboy Mommy iieee Caught a Lite Sneeze Liquid Diamonds
Mother (solo) Here. In My Head (solo)
Doughnut Song Space Dog Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Little Amsterdam
Encore 2: Happy Phantom (solo) Pandora's Aquarium
August 5, 1998
Albany, New York - Palace Theatre
Precious Things Cruel Pandora's Aquarium Caught a Lite Sneeze Little Earthquakes Spark
Hey Jupiter (solo) Sister Janet (solo)
Jackie's Strength Cornflake Girl Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Sugar
Encore 2: Pretty Good Year Horses
August 6, 1998
Canandaigua, New York - Finger Lakes Performing Art Center
Precious Things Caught a Lite Sneeze iieee Little Earthquakes Raspberry Swirl Liquid Diamonds
Cloud On My Tongue (solo) Cooling (solo)
Northern Lad Crucify She's Your Cocaine The Waitress
Encore 1: Cornflake Girl Spark
Encore 2: Horses
August 7, 1998
August 8, 1998
Washington, DC - MCI Center
Precious Things Cruel Cornflake Girl Northern Lad Caught a Lite Sneeze iieee
Winter (solo) Me and a Gun (solo)
Sugar Spark Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Crucify
Encore 2: Jackie's Strength Horses
August 9, 1998
August 10, 1998
August 11, 1998
Richmond, Virginia - Landmark Theatre
Precious Things iieee Doughnut Song Cornflake Girl Playboy Mommy Caught a Lite Sneeze
Mary (solo) Happy Phantom (solo)
Honey Spark Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore 1: Siren Cruel
Encore 2: Pandora's Aquarium Horses
August 12, 1998
Charlotte, North Carolina - Ovens Auditorium
Precious Things Spark God Liquid Diamonds Siren Sugar
improv / Cloud On My Tongue (solo) Hey Jupiter (solo)
Jackie's Strength Caught a Lite Sneeze Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore 1: iieee She's Your Cocaine
Encore 2: Horses
August 13, 1998
August 14, 1998
Birmingham, Alabama - BJCC Concert Hall
Precious Things Little Amsterdam iieee Playboy Mommy Siren Cornflake Girl
Leather (solo) Frog On My Toe (solo)
Purple People Spark Caught a Lite Sneeze The Waitress
Encore 1: God Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Landslide (solo) Horses
August 15, 1998
Knoxville, Tennessee - Civic Auditorium
Precious Things Crucify Cruel Siren Black-Dove (January) Liquid Diamonds
Me and a Gun (solo) Merman (solo)
Sugar Little Earthquakes iieee The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Purple People Horses
August 16, 1998
August 17, 1998
Atlanta, Georgia - Chastain Park Amphitheater
Precious Things iieee Cornflake Girl improv/Cruel Siren Sugar
China (solo) Cooling (solo)
Jackie's Strength Talula Caught a Lite Sneeze The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Liquid Diamonds Horses
August 18, 1998
Atlanta, Georgia - Chastain Park Amphitheater
Precious Things Little Amsterdam Cruel Spark God Black-Dove (January)
Hey Jupiter (solo) Take to the Sky (solo)
Northern Lad Caught a Lite Sneeze Siren The Waitress
Encore 1: Raspberry Swirl Tear in Your Hand
Encore 2: Talula Horses
August 19, 1998
Orlando, Florida - University of Central Florida Arena
Precious Things Spark Caught a Lite Sneeze Cornflake Girl Doughnut Song iieee
Leather (solo) Hey Jupiter (solo)
Jackie's Strength Cruel Siren The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Pandora's Aquarium Horses
August 20, 1998
August 21, 1998
Ft Lauderdale, Florida - Sunrise Theatre
Precious Things iieee Cornflake Girl Black-Dove (January) Crucify Sugar
Marianne (solo) Landslide (solo)
Purple People Caught a Lite Sneeze Siren The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Pandora's Aquarium
August 22, 1998
Ft Lauderdale, Florida - Sunrise Theatre
Precious Things Spark God Cruel Little Earthquakes Siren
Mr Zebra (solo) Flying Dutchman (solo) Mother (solo)
Northern Lad Caught a Lite Sneeze Liquid Diamonds The Waitress
Encore 1: Talula Audience Sings Happy Birthday to Tori Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Smells Like Teen Spirit (solo) Pretty Good Year
August 23, 1998
Tampa, Florida - Tampa Sundome
Precious Things Little Amsterdam Cruel Tear in Your Hand Cornflake Girl Sugar
Cooling (solo) Icicle (solo)
Bells for Her iieee Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: Black-Dove (January) Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Angie (solo) Pandora's Aquarium
August 24, 1998
August 25 , 1998
Nashville, Tennessee - Grand Ole Opry
Precious Things iieee Crucify Cornflake Girl Playboy Mommy Caught a Lite Sneeze
Cooling (solo) Baker Baker (solo)
Bells for Her Cruel Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: Sugar Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Sweet Dreams Horses
August 26, 1998
St. Louis, Missouri - Riverport Amphitheatre
Precious Things Spark Caught a Lite Sneeze Cornflake Girl Doughnut Song Liquid Diamonds
Leather (solo) Silent All These Years (solo)
Jackie's Strength iieee Little Earthquakes Graveyard (solo) The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine God
Encore 2: Siren Pandora's Aquarium
August 27, 1998
August 28, 1998
Kansas City, Missouri - Starlight Theatre
Precious Things God iieee Spark Cornflake Girl Little Earthquakes
Hey Jupiter (solo) Silent All These Years (solo)
Jackie's Strength Cruel Space Dog The Waitress
Encore 1: Caught a Lite Sneeze Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Merman (solo) Pandora's Aquarium
August 29, 1998
Norman, Oklahoma - Lloyd Noble Center
Precious Things Little Amsterdam Sugar Space Dog Surrey With a Fringe on Top (solo) Cruel Pandora's Aquarium
Winter (solo) Mary (solo)
Graveyard (solo) Northern Lad Crucify Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: iieee Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Horses
August 30, 1998
Omaha, Nebraska - Orpheum Theatre
Precious Things God Siren iieee Doughnut Song Liquid Diamonds
Happy Phantom (solo) Twinkle (solo)
Purple People Cruel Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: Talula Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Sister Janet (solo) Tear in Your Hand
August 31, 1998
September 1, 1998
Denver, Colorado - Red Rocks
Precious Things iieee Sugar Cornflake Girl Horses Cruel
Silent All These Years (solo) Landslide (solo)
Jackie's Strength Spark Caught a Lite Sneeze The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Tear in Your Hand Pandora's Aquarium
September 2, 1998
Salt Lake City, Utah - E Center
Precious Things "Things Fuck Up Sometimes" (improv) God Spark Crucify Liquid Diamonds Black-Dove (January)
Leather (solo) Marianne (solo)
Bells for Her Cruel Cornflake Girl The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Horses
September 3, 1998
September 4, 1998
September 5, 1998
September 6, 1998
September 7, 1998
September 8, 1998
September 9, 1998
Vancouver, British Columbia - GM Place
Precious Things iieee Cornflake Girl Sugar Liquid Diamonds Spark
Leather (solo) Sister Janet (solo)
Bells for Her Black-Dove (January) Space Dog Cruel The Waitress
Encore 1: God Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Horses
September 10, 1998
September 11, 1998
Seattle, Washington - Key Arena
Precious Things Little Amsterdam Cornflake Girl Jackie's Strength Caught a Lite Sneeze Liquid Diamonds
Hey Jupiter (solo) Merman (solo)
Bells for Her Cruel Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Pandora's Aquarium
September 12, 1998
Portland, Oregon - Theatre of the Clouds
Precious Things God Black-Dove (January) Space Dog Crucify Playboy Mommy
Mary (solo) Cooling (solo)
Jackie's Strength Little Earthquakes Tear in Your Hand The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Me and a Gun (solo) Horses
September 13, 1998
Eugene, Oregon - Cuthbert Amphitheatre
Precious Things Oh Susanna (improv w/band) Little Amsterdam iieee Honey Cornflake Girl Liquid Diamonds
Cloud On My Tongue (solo) Not the Red Baron (solo w/ Jon Evans on bass)
Purple People Spark Siren The Waitress
Encore 1: Talula Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Merman (solo) Pandora's Aquarium
September 14, 1998
September 15, 1998
Oakland, California - The New Arena In Oakland
Precious Things iieee Cornflake Girl Bells for Her Sugar Cruel
Happy Phantom (solo) Hey Jupiter (solo)
Jackie's Strength Space Dog Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Horses
September 16, 1998
Sacramento, California - Arco Arena
Precious Things Crucify Caught a Lite Sneeze Talula Black-Dove (January) Siren
Baker Baker (solo) Mother (solo)
Purple People Liquid Diamonds Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore 1: Cornflake Girl Tear in Your Hand
Encore 2: Pandora's Aquarium
September 17, 1998
September 18, 1998
Anaheim, California - Arrowhead Pond
Precious Things iieee God Spark Siren Little Earthquakes
Winter (solo) Merman (solo)
Northern Lad Space Dog Raspberry Swirl The Waitress
Encore 1: Cruel Cornflake Girl
Encore 2: Pandora's Aquarium
September 19, 1998
San Jose, California - San Jose Events Center
Precious Things Crucify improv/Little Amsterdam iieee Cornflake Girl Playboy Mommy
American Pie/Smells Like Teen Spirit (solo)
Doughnut Song Caught a Lite Sneeze Hotel The Waitress
Encore 1: [Tori comes onstage in a leopard suit] She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Pretty Good Year
September 20, 1998
Santa Barbara, California - County Bowl
Precious Things iieee Little Earthquakes God Black-Dove (January) Bells for Her
Famous Blue Raincoat (solo) Twinkle (solo)
Purple People Spark Hotel The Waitress
Encore 1: Cornflake Girl Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Liquid Diamonds
September 21, 1998
September 22, 1998
Los Angeles, California - Greek Theatre
Precious Things Little Amsterdam iieee Cornflake Girl Spark Bells for Her
Me and a Gun (solo) Winter (solo)
Jackie's Strength Cruel Little Earthquakes The Waitress
Encore 1: Sugar Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Horses
September 23, 1998
Los Angeles, California - Greek Theatre
Precious Things God Black-Dove (January) Caught a Lite Sneeze iieee Playboy Mommy
Silent All These Years (solo) Cooling (solo)
Northern Lad Crucify Hotel The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Tear in Your Hand Pandora's Aquarium
September 24, 1998
Las Vegas, Nevada - The Joint
Precious Things God iieee Siren Cornflake Girl Spark
Icicle (solo) Alamo (solo)
Honey Cruel Space Dog The Waitress
Encore 1: Hotel Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: London Girls Pretty Good Year Song for Eric (a capella)
September 25, 1998
September 26, 1998
San Diego, California - Open Air Theatre
Precious Things Little Amsterdam Black-Dove (January) Caught a Lite Sneeze iieee Liquid Diamonds
Mother (solo) Flying Dutchman / Running Up That Hill (solo)
Putting the Damage On Tear in Your Hand Father Lucifer The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Sister Janet (solo) Hotel
September 27, 1998
Phoenix, Arizona - American West Arena
Precious Things iieee Father Lucifer God Spark Cornflake Girl
Happy Phantom (solo) Marianne (solo)
Bells for Her Cruel Hotel The Waitress
Encore 1: Talula Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Horses
September 28, 1998
Albuquerque, New Mexico - Kiva Auditorium
Precious Things Cornflake Girl Liquid Diamonds Caught a Lite Sneeze Bells for Her iieee
Merman (solo) Famous Blue Raincoat (solo)
Purple People Spark Tear in Your Hand The Waitress
Encore 1: Hotel Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Pandora's Aquarium
September 29, 1998
September 30, 1998
San Antonio, Texas - Majestic Theatre
Precious Things iieee Father Lucifer Hotel Little Earthquakes Siren
Marianne (solo) Leather (solo)
Honey Black-Dove (January) Space Dog The Waitress
Encore 1: Talula Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Northern Lad
October 1, 1998
October 2, 1998
Austin, Texas - Music Hall
Precious Things Little Amsterdam God iieee Sugar Black-Dove (January) London Girls
Hey Jupiter (solo) Cooling (solo)
Northern Lad Cruel Tear in Your Hand The Waitress
Encore 1: Hotel Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Pandora's Aquarium
October 3, 1998
Houston, Texas - Woodlands Pavilion
Precious Things Spark Cornflake Girl Hotel Bells for Her iieee Playboy Mommy
Icicle (solo) Leather (solo)
Pretty Good Year Little Earthquakes Graveyard (solo) Talula The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Cruel Black-Dove (January)
October 4, 1998
Dallas, Texas - Starplex Amphitheatre
Precious Things God Black-Dove (January) Cornflake Girl Liquid Diamonds Putting the Damage On
Me and a Gun (solo) Never Seen Blue (solo)
Jackie's Strength Cruel Caught a Lite Sneeze The Waitress
Encore 1: iieee Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: She's Your Cocaine Horses
October 5, 1998
October 6, 1998
Tulsa, Oklahoma - Brady Theatre
Precious Things Space Dog iieee Crucify Bells for Her Hotel
Happy Phantom (solo) Cooling (solo)
Honey Cornflake Girl Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: She's Your Cocaine
October 7, 1998
Memphis, Tennessee - Orpheum Theatre
Precious Things Father Lucifer Hotel God Liquid Diamonds Siren
Silent All These Years (solo) Merman (solo)
Doughnut Song Black-Dove (January) iieee The Waitress
Encore 1: Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Happy Birthday Space Dog Thank You (solo)
October 8, 1998
October 9, 1998
Little Rock, Arkansas - Robinson Center Music
Precious Things iieee God Northern Lad Caught a Lite Sneeze Bells for Her
Hey Jupiter (solo) Frog On My Toe (solo)
Sugar Spark Tear in Your Hand The Waitress
Encore 1: Crucify Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Hotel
October 10, 1998
New Orleans, Louisiana - UNO Arena
Precious Things She's Your Cocaine Father Lucifer Sugar Cruel Liquid Diamonds
Here. In My Head (solo) Not the Red Baron (solo)
Honey Little Earthquakes Hotel The Waitress
Encore 1: Cornflake Girl Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: iieee Pandora's Aquarium
Encore 3: Winter (solo)
October 11, 1998
October 12, 1998
October 13, 1998
Jacksonville, Florida - Moran Theatre
Precious Things iieee Sugar God Father Lucifer Muhammad My Friend
Hey Jupiter (solo) Never Seen Blue (solo) Cooling (solo)
Little Earthquakes Hotel Tear in Your Hand The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Pandora's Aquarium
October 14, 1998
Spartanburg, South Carolina - Memorial Auditorium
Precious Things Spark Siren Liquid Diamonds Caught a Lite Sneeze Crucify
Leather (solo) Me and a Gun (solo)
Purple People Doughnut Song Space Dog The Waitress
Encore 1: Hotel Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Horses
October 15, 1998
Blacksburg, Virginia - Burruss Auditorium
Precious Things iieee Sugar Hotel Cornflake Girl Playboy Mommy
Marianne (solo) Mary (solo)
Putting the Damage On Cruel Muhammad My Friend The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: God Silent All These Years (solo)
October 16, 1998
October 17, 1998
Baltimore, Maryland - Baltimore Arena
Precious Things She's Your Cocaine iieee Honey Cornflake Girl Little Earthquakes Black-Dove (January)
Happy Phantom (solo) Merman (solo)
Sugar Muhammad My Friend Graveyard (solo) Caught a Lite Sneeze The Waitress
Encore 1: Hotel Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Past the Mission Pandora's Aquarium
October 18, 1998
Raleigh, North Carolina - Walnut Creek Amphitheater
Precious Things Cruel Cornflake Girl Bells for Her Father Lucifer Hotel
Famous Blue Raincoat (solo) Never Seen Blue (solo)
Northern Lad Talula Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Tear in Your Hand Song for Eric (a capella)
October 19, 1998
October 20, 1998
Columbia, South Carolina - Township
Precious Things Little Amsterdam Siren Sugar Hotel Past the Mission Liquid Diamonds
Winter (solo) Cooling (solo)
Jackie's Strength Graveyard Tear in Your Hand iieee The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Horses Hey Jupiter (solo)
October 21, 1998
Nashville, Tennessee - Vanderbilt Memorial Gym
Precious Things God Black-Dove (January) Muhammad My Friend iieee Graveyard (solo) Tear in Your Hand
Here. In My Head (solo) Mother (solo) Cooling (solo)
Jackie's Strength Little Earthquakes Hotel The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine (w/ excerpt from Sweet Leaf by Black Sabbath) Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Cornflake Girl Northern Lad
October 22, 1998
October 23, 1998
Norfolk, Virginia - Chrysler Hall
Precious Things Hotel Liquid Diamonds Father Lucifer Graveyard (solo) Past the Mission Cornflake Girl
China (solo) Here. In My Head (solo) Merman (solo)
Bells for Her iieee Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: Black-Dove (January) Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Tear in Your Hand Landslide (solo)
October 24, 1998
New York City - VH1 Storytellers taping
Cornflake Girl Precious Things iieee Father Lucifer But I'm Experienced, Babe (excerpt - solo) Silent All These Years (solo) Hey Jupiter (solo) Icicle (improvised excerpt - solo) Take to the Sky (solo) Winter (solo) Famous Blue Raincoat (solo) Cornflake Girl (re-take) Precious Things (re-take) Northern Lad Never Seen Blue (solo) Hey Jupiter (last 8 bars - solo) Northern Lad (re-take) Raspberry Swirl
October 25, 1998
Providence, Rhode Island - Providence PAC
Precious Things She's Your Cocaine Space Dog Caught a Lite Sneeze (w/ excerpt from Hurt) Horses iieee
Never Seen Blue (solo) Baker Baker (solo)
Purple People Hotel Graveyard (solo) Tear in Your Hand The Waitress
Encore 1: Talula Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Landslide (solo) Pandora's Aquarium
October 26, 1998
October 27, 1998
Dayton, Ohio - Hara Arena
Precious Things God Black-Dove (January) Father Lucifer Cruel Graveyard (solo) Past the Mission
Upside Down (solo) Mr. Zebra (solo) Cloud On My Tongue (solo)
Sugar iieee Little Earthquakes The Waitress
Encore 1: Hotel Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Bells for Her Northern Lad Mary (solo)
October 28, 1998
Louisville, Kentucky - Louisville Gardens
Precious Things iieee Crucify Caught a Lite Sneeze Past the Mission Father Lucifer
Leather (solo) Agent Orange (solo) Hey Jupiter (solo)
Bells for Her Hotel Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: Cornflake Girl Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Graveyard (solo) Tear in Your Hand Pandora's Aquarium
October 29, 1998
Evanston, Illinois - McGaw Hall
Precious Things Graveyard (solo) Past the Mission iieee Father Lucifer Hotel Doughnut Song
Merman (solo) Twinkle (solo)
Sugar Black-Dove (January) Tear in Your Hand The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Frog On My Toe (solo) Northern Lad
October 30, 1998
October 31, 1998
West Lafayette, Indiana - Elliot Hall of Music
Precious Things Muhammad My Friend iieee Father Lucifer Talula Hotel
Beulah Land (solo) Ode to the Banana King (solo) Mother (solo)
Little Earthquakes Cruel Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: Cornflake Girl Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Pandora's Aquarium
November 1, 1998
Mount Pleasant, Michigan - Rose Arena
Precious Things Liquid Diamonds Father Lucifer Caught a Lite Sneeze Siren Black-Dove (January)
Butterfly (solo) Silent All These Years (solo)
Purple People iieee Graveyard (solo) Sugar The Waitress
Encore 1: Talula Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Northern Lad Tear in Your Hand
November 2, 1998
November 3, 1998
Eau Claire, Wisconsin - Zorn Arena
Precious Things iieee Past the Mission Father Lucifer Hotel Bells for Her
Hey Jupiter (solo) Merman (solo)
Putting the Damage On Crucify Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: Cornflake Girl Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Pandora's Aquarium
November 4, 1998
Madison, Wisconsin - Dane County Coliseum
Precious Things Hotel Father Lucifer Muhammad My Friend iieee Tear in Your Hand
improv/Cooling (solo) Me and a Gun (solo)
Sugar Cruel Black-Dove (January) The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: God Putting the Damage On Baker Baker (solo)
November 5, 1998
November 6, 1998
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Civic Arena
Precious Things She's Your Cocaine Past the Mission iieee Caught a Lite Sneeze Little Earthquakes
Winter (solo) Merman (solo)
Northern Lad Talula Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: God Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Tear in Your Hand Pandora's Aquarium
November 7, 1998
Indiana, Pennsylvania - Fisher Auditorium
Precious Things Spark Honey iieee God Caught a Lite Sneeze
China (solo) Black Swan (solo)
Bells for Her Cruel Hotel The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Father Lucifer Little Earthquakes
November 8, 1998
Ithaca, New York - Ben Light Gymnasium
Precious Things iieee Past the Mission Cruel Little Earthquakes Siren
Silent All These Years (solo) Yes, Anastasia (solo)
Black-Dove (January) Crucify Tear in Your Hand The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Cornflake Girl Jackie's Strength Song for Eric (a capella)
November 9, 1998
November 10, 1998
Binghamton, New York - Broome County Arena
Precious Things Liquid Diamonds Caught a Lite Sneeze iieee Father Lucifer Playboy Mommy
Hey Jupiter (solo) Upside Down (solo)
Sugar Hotel Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: Crucify Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Past the Mission Pretty Good Year A Case Of You (solo)
November 11, 1998
November 12, 1998
Rochester, New York - Eastman Theater
Precious Things Little Earthquakes iieee Past the Mission Caught a Lite Sneeze Bells for Her
Famous Blue Raincoat (solo) Winter (solo)
Northern Lad God Hotel The Waitress
Encore 1: Talula Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Spark Graveyard (solo) Tear in Your Hand
November 13, 1998
Poughkeepsie, New York - Mid-Hudson Civic Center
Precious Things Hotel Past the Mission iieee Father Lucifer Bells for Her
She's Leaving Home (solo) Happy Phantom (solo) Baker Baker (solo)
Northern Lad Cruel Space Dog The Waitress
Encore 1: Cornflake Girl Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Pandora's Aquarium Hey Jupiter (solo)
November 14, 1998
New York City - Sessions at West 54th taping
Precious Things iieee Past the Mission Caught a Lite Sneeze Pandora's Aquarium
Take to the Sky (solo) Hey Jupiter (solo)
Northern Lad Crucify Spark The Waitress Cooling (solo) Raspberry Swirl Cornflake Girl
November 15, 1998
Amherst, Massachusetts - Mullins Center
Precious Things iieee Doughnut Song Hotel Past the Mission Sugar
Cloud On My Tongue (solo) Leather (solo)
Bells for Her Graveyard (solo) Crucify Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Muhammad My Friend Frog On My Toe (solo) Pretty Good Year
November 16, 1998
Burlington, Vermont - Burlington Memorial Auditorium
Precious Things Little Amsterdam Hotel Caught a Lite Sneeze Past the Mission Liquid Diamonds
A Case Of You (solo) Never Seen Blue (solo)
Little Earthquakes Cruel Graveyard (solo) Tear in Your Hand The Waitress
Encore 1: Talula Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Honey Amazing Grace (a capella) Jackie's Strength Smells Like Teen Spirit (solo)
November 17, 1998
Lowell, Massachusetts - Tsongas Arena
Precious Things Hotel Past the Mission Graveyard (solo) Tear in Your Hand Caught a Lite Sneeze Girl
Here. In My Head (solo) Twinkle (solo)
Putting the Damage On Space Dog Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: iieee Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Purple People Black-Dove (January) Mr. Jim improv / Black Swan (solo)
November 18, 1998
November 19, 1998
Durham, New Hampshire - Whittimore Center Arena
Precious Things Father Lucifer Past the Mission Hotel Talula Liquid Diamonds
Winter (solo) Flying Dutchman (solo)
Northern Lad iieee Girl The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: London Girls Spark Angie (solo)
November 20, 1998
November 21, 1998
State College, Pennsylvania - Bryce Jordan
Precious Things God Hotel Past the Mission Bells for Her Caught a Lite Sneeze
Baker Baker (solo) Here. In My Head (solo)
Northern Lad iieee Little Earthquakes The Waitress
Encore 1: Cornflake Girl Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Tear in Your Hand Pandora's Aquarium Song for Eric (a capella)
November 22, 1998
November 23, 1998
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania - Stabler Arena
Precious Things iieee Past the Mission Sugar Hotel Bells for Her
Hey Jupiter (solo) Upside Down (solo)
Northern Lad Cruel Caught a Lite Sneeze The Waitress
Encore 1: Cornflake Girl Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Graveyard (solo) Tear in Your Hand Mary Spark
November 24, 1998
Newark, Delaware - Bob Carpenter Center
Precious Things Girl Past the Mission Liquid Diamonds Father Lucifer Siren Mary
China (solo) Cool On Your Island (solo) Mother (solo)
Little Earthquakes Cruel Tear in Your Hand The Waitress
Encore 1: Talula Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Pandora's Aquarium Winter (solo)
November 25, 1998
Newark, New Jersey - Prudential Hall NJPAC
Precious Things God Girl Hotel Past the Mission Sugar
Yes, Anastasia (solo) Merman (solo) Baker Baker (solo)
Little Earthquakes Crucify Black-Dove (January) The Waitress
Encore 1: Talula Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Tear in Your Hand Beauty Queen (solo) Mary Silent All These Years (solo)
November 26, 1998
November 27, 1998
November 28, 1998
Akron, Ohio - Rhodes Arena
Precious Things Hotel Thoughts (solo) Past the Mission Muhammad My Friend Girl Bells for Her
Take to the Sky (solo) Landslide (solo)
Purple People Cruel Tear in Your Hand The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Talula Black Swan (solo) Mary Pretty Good Year
November 29, 1998
Columbus, Ohio - Palace Theater
Precious Things Father Lucifer Liquid Diamonds Crucify Past the Mission improv/Siren
Sister Janet (solo) Winter (solo) Cooling (solo)
Putting the Damage On iieee Little Earthquakes The Waitress
Encore 1: Caught a Lite Sneeze Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Honey Jackie's Strength
November 30, 1998
Indianapolis, Indiana - Murat Center
Precious Things Tear in Your Hand Hotel Past the Mission Girl Mary
Marianne (solo) Etienne (solo) Flying Dutchman (solo)
Northern Lad Cruel Space Dog The Waitress
Encore 1: Talula Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: When Sunny Gets Blue (solo) Famous Blue Raincoat (solo) Pandora's Aquarium
December 1, 1998
December 2, 1998
Grand Rapids, Michigan - Van Andel Arena
Precious Things iieee Mary Girl Past the Mission Hotel
China (solo) Take to the Sky (solo) Icicle (solo)
Bells for Her Graveyard (solo) Space Dog Spark The Waitress
Encore 1: She's Your Cocaine Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Crucify Cruel Pretty Good Year
December 3, 1998
East Lansing, Michigan - Breslin Events Center
Precious Things She's Your Cocaine iieee "Brothers Three" Girl Cornflake Girl improv/Sugar Hotel
Silent All These Years (solo) Famous Blue Raincoat (solo) Cooling (solo)
Playboy Mommy Cruel Caught a Lite Sneeze The Waitress
Encore 1: Tear in Your Hand Raspberry Swirl
Encore 2: Horses Jackie's Strength Pandora's Aquarium
Exit music after the final show in East Lansing, Michigan:
"Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" [listen]
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