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Tales from Tori
November 17, 2003
Making my way up
on the train.
To London.
The train was on time.
I like things on time --
some of you must be
roaring with that one.
The lads came and
packed the Böse in
her case.
With skies that Northern
Icy Blue,
I waved her a
goodbye and said
I'd see her
at the Shaw.
Winter brings a clarity
and a crispness
that I find warming
and kind.
There is a beautiful
soft light
that if you're far enough
and near enough to
the water,
you don't miss Nature's
Summer glamour or
Autumn highlights.
With Her make-up having
fallen away,
she stands naked and knowing.
British Rail has run out of
hot water
good thing I've gone
off tea today
Forty years.
Many songs.
Coming from different
cycles. Cycles as far reaching as
finding a voice to losing pieces:
Human pieces, Song pieces,
Woman's pieces,
the Lovers missing
puzzle pieces
and not all pieces
of all the records and the
Bee Sides
can be chosen
to be a part of the Narrative.
A Narrative that
hopefully takes the
through the winter
spring summer
fall of a woman's
who is simply trying
to step into her
own authority
of her own Being --
without becoming
devoured by those
who believe themselves
to hold the authority
over her and other
While not becoming
a devourer
A medicine woman said to me once
"Chase the Dark. Eat it. It will
become you."
"and what's that?"
I asked
"whatever you have become."
she said.
The songs have chronicled
some of my life as I know it.
There are many I
wanted to include
but some work better live.
Some in their original recorded form
aren't the versions that
are the strongest
representations of
that particular song, and
other could have made it
if I'd had more time,
and more room.
This is a Tale, not the only Tale
of this Librarian.
But hopefully,
with a good log
on the fire,
this is a Tale that
will warm you...
[source: toriamos.com]
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