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press release | Scarlet Stories | discography | photos | tour | interviews
2002-07 / 2002-07-23 / 2002-08 / 2002-09-18 / 2003-06
Epic Records promo bio
July 2002
Tori Amos is closing one chapter of her musical life and beginning another. This Grammy nominated songstress is embarking down the road of a new partnership between herself and a new label, Epic Records, as she ends a yearlong journey of discovery, a road trip that was never about the destination but the journey itself.
Her release, "Scarlet's Walk," is not just an auspicious debut album for Epic by one of the most respected recording artists of the last decade, but a sonic novel, a chronicle of Amos' love affair with America, it's people, it's history and it's future. Love affairs may be as dark as they are deep. Nothing is as it appears, life her journey and the land and people of which she sings, this is a story where beauty and sinister walk hand in hand.
"After September 11, people were experiencing America as a friend, as a being, who was hurt. She wasn't an object to them. We won't go back to just referring to her as just a nationalistic concept. She was a mother, a friend, who had been put through pain. Once people started opening up to that, questions started to come. Questions like why did this happen? There was an awakening on many levels for a lot of people. It became clear a road trip was something that we were taking. The songs started coming fast and furiously. I was on my own quest for answers and to ask the right questions. I was on Scarlet's Walk," explains Amos.
The album follows Scarlet as she crisscrosses her way across the American experience. But who is Scarlet? "Scarlet, is me sometimes, she's a drop of blood sometimes, she's the land sometimes," Amos commented. "Scarlet can be a thread, a thread that runs through us, a thread that ties us and binds us."
As Scarlet zigzags her way across the country, never knowing where she's going or who she's going to end up with, many songs about the present and future are born. However, the album is also a chronicle of sins past, sins against America's people and land. Those stories come from Amos' childhood porch.
"Growing up in North Carolina where I spent my summers, it was these stories that became our way of feeling our roots. My grandfather made these memories come alive by telling me stories of his people, the Cherokee. I felt an amazing sense of compassion towards what had happened to them, and I'm convinced that before he died, my grandfather his a 'remember the stories' chip underneath my skin."
Amos became a mother on her musical journey, and perhaps that is what explains the album's last track, "Gold Dust." "Here, Scarlet asks the question to herself -- Do we only have enough love to nurture our human children? Or do we have an abundance of love, so by giving to the little ones, we can bring our true mother (as the Native Americans called her) out of the arms that may not be truly protecting her..."
"I guess being a mom was a place where you say OK, it's somebody else's turn now, to go be that ship and be that adventure. I've taken Scarlet's Walk, not the walk is standing, holding space for my daughter, Natashya and for others to pick up their torch and go out. The thread will take itself on, as it does, weaving through other people and other lands."
"Scarlet's Walk" was self-produced and recorded in Cornwall, England. Amos is no stranger to that studio as it is where she created several of her albums. The album again calls upon the talents of long-time collaborators Jon Evans on bass and Matt Chamberlain on drums. John Philip Shenale, who has been arranging strings for Tori's songs ever since "Under the Pink," makes a strong appearance here with the Sinfonia of London. New contributions by guitarists Robbie McIntosh, Mac Aladdin and David Torn add a surprising dimension to songs based around the piano.
"The musicians were very much aware of what we were trying to achieve musically, of where the songs were. They tried to use instruments that were more indigenous of the song's places."
Amos again worked closely with her engineer-husband Mark Hawley and his partner, Marcel van Limbeek, on the project. "I feel like I'm constantly having an affair with my husband, it's delicious to work with someone that challenges you and that you're passionate with."
Amos, who has sold over twelve million albums Worldwide, has led the way as a pioneer in rejuvenating the era of the female singer/wondwriter. While the public responds by propelling her albums to gold and platinum status, the industry continually acknowledges her handiwork. Since 1994 she has been nominated for eight Grammy awards in categories such as Best Rock Female Vocal ("Raspberry Swirl" from "From the Choirgirl Hotel," "Bliss" from "To Venus and Back" and the "Strange Little Girls" album) as well as Best Alternative Music (for the albums "Under the Pink," "Boys for Pele," "From the Choirgirl Hotel," "To Venus and Back," and "Strange Little Girls").
Amos enjoys touring almost as much as recording, and takes every opportunity to bring her music to the people. Starting on November 7, 2002, Amos will embark on an extensive US tour and continue on through Europe, taking her Bosendorfer piano, accompanied by Matt Chamberlain and Jon Evans, to both new and familiar places. And as an added bonus for those that buy the record, fans can follow both Amos and Scarlet on their bath across America. Always wanting to bring fantasy to real life, Amos and Epic have created a website that not only gives fans a great repository of multimedia content from Amos, but will serve as a portal to "Scarlet's Web."
The "Scarlet's Walk" CD uses Sony's ConnecteD technology which transforms the CD into a key that enables fans to unlock the wonders of Scarlet's Web, a portion visible only to those with the key.
Scarlet's Web is separated into three areas - Tori's map, which concentrates on Scarlet's musical journey, her paths, and the songs; the Native American Land Map, which traces the Native American movement within North America; and the map of Amos' tour, which will have detailed information and exclusive multimedia content about Amos' U.S. tour. There will also be access to exclusive contests including ticket swaps, where fans can trade up their tickets for front row seats at upcoming shows, links out to sites/concepts that correlate with the songs, extra tracks, pictures from the road, lyrics, exclusive behind-the-scenes video and "souvenirs" to pick up and collect along the way. Scarlet's Web will remain current by regularly updated content, compelling fans to visit often.
As for the audience's interpretation of Scarlet and her journey, Amos believes the songs have their own life and their own relationship with people. "Clearly there's a story here. Part of it is extremely detailed, other parts however, are left for the listener to hear what he or she hears."
But now, more than ever, listeners need a journey that not only chronicles a love affair with the land, with the soul of America good and bad, but helps us begin to ask some of the right questions to understand the tumultuous times that have presented themselves now and that many have endured for hundreds of years. And the album seems to keep reminding Scarlet and the listener that "what you believe in... it matters now to you and me."
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