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Tea with the Waitress
Tori Amos photos Under the Pink (1994)
album, single and promo photos by Cindy Palmano
photos by Melody McDaniel
"God" video shoot - January 1994
photos by Sam Riley and Cindy Palmano
"Pretty Good Year" video shoot - February 1994
photos by Michael Friel
Tori Amos: All These Years - 1994
photos by Loren Haynes
Don't Tell It - January 1994
Spin - March 1994
photos by Hester Doove
Oor - January 29, 1994
photos by Michael Birt
in West London, England - November 1993
Q - February 1994
photos by Guzman
Us - February 1994
photos by Alastair Thain
Entertainment Weekly - February 18, 1994
photo by Akihiro Nagata
in Toyko, Japan - March 1994
photos by Jay Strauss
Creem - March 1994
photo by Juergen Teller
Details - March 1994
photos by Derek Ridgers
NME - March 19, 1994
photos by Sandra C. Davis
B-Side - April/May 1994
photos by John Stoddart
Q - May 1994
photos by Barry Marsden
Vox - May 1994
photos by Tom Sheehan
Vox - May 1994
Goldmine - September 2, 1994
photo by Toure
Rolling Stone - June 30, 1994
photos by Jake Chessum
The Face - October 1994
photos by Loren Haynes
Spin - October 1994
photos by Roy Tee
Oor - October 8, 1994
photos by Michael Haber
Keyboard - November 1994
photos by Kevin Cummins
NME - December 17, 1994
photos by Rick McGinnis
Now magazine (Toronto) - January 1995
photos by Dick Loek
Toronto Star - January 1995
photos by Steve Pyke
Details - July 1995
London - April 1995
photos by Steve Double
photos by Adolfo Franzo
other photos
Under the Pink Tour 1994
photos by Steve Jennings
photo by Andy Willsher
photo by Susan Merrell
February 11, 1994 - Los Angeles, California
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

March 6, 1994 - London, England
photo by Pete Still
March 27, 1994 - Washington, D.C.
photos by Matthew Mendelsohn
April 6, 1994 - Brussels, Belgium
photos by Gie Knaeps
April 7, 1994 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
photos by Niels van Iperen
April 28, 1994 - London, England
photos by Jim Steele
April 29, 1994 - London, England
photos by Pete Still
June 17, 1994 - New Brunswick, New Jersey
August 17, 1994 - Los Angeles, California
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
October 29, 1994 - Toronto, Canada
photo by Michael Stuparyk
December 4, 1994 - Brisbane, Australia (meet & greet)
February 25, 1995 - Los Angeles, California
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
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