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Alloy and Alloy.com: Celebrities Read Poetry, Fall 2000, to celebrate the release of the poetry book, Slam.
read by Tori Amos [listen/download ]
poem by Unknown [previously misattributed to Iris Moulton]
They have names for bodies of ice
Clipped to the map screen: number 15
32,000 feet
From here there is no delineation
From christened land to christened land
So vast, so much of it
Yet all of it called something now
Stored and engraved in computers
As long as the earth can recharge:
Our information
Thirty times the modern medicine man.
So, the explorers got their way
Adopting ancient land
And calling it something ridiculous
Like Victoria,
As if they were the birth mother.
Poetry Contest Details
Alloy poetry contest winner, Fall 1999
In Fall 1999, the catalog Alloy and alloy.com organized a poetry contest. The winning poem was chosen and read by Tori Amos, and the poet also won tickets and a backstage pass to her September 25, 1999 concert in Irvine, California.
article 1
Alloy catalog (US)
1999 Holiday Issue
Tori Time
 Tori & Iris Moulton
Alloy's poetry contest winner, Iris Moulton, 14, spills on getting up close and personal with Tori Amos.
Alloy: So, Iris, what was your reaction when you found out Tori Amos chose your poem?
Iris: I found out when I was home sick, because I'd had an asthma attack. Oh, and I was watching MTV's FANatic with Tori Amos on it when you called. So that was pretty weird.
Alloy: What was it like meeting Tori? Were you nervous?
Iris: Actually, I was. I totally drew a blank on all the things I wanted to say when I got backstage. But Tori has a very calming presence, and she totally relaxed me. To look into her eyes, you know that she's been through a lot, and that she's a very deep and intellectual person.
Alloy: What did you guys chat about?
Iris: She told me that my poem really moved her. She didn't know how old I was when she picked it, but she found out later. I told her what a great show it was, and we talked about writing and stuff. She signed my program, "Dear Iris, Best with your liquid words. Love, Tori."
Here's a copy of the winning poem, Escape, by Iris Moulton
article 2
Newsweek (US)
November 8, 1999
E-Life: Kids and the Web
NAME: Iris Moulton
HOME: Salt Lake City, Utah
AGE: 14
Iris Moulton just started using the Internet, but being connected has already paid off. As an aspiring writer, she considers the Net a great place to find people who share her passion for the written word. Yet, even she was speechless when she won a poetry contest judged by singer-songwriter Tori Amos for teen site alloy.com. "She said it moved her!" Moulton recalled after meeting Amos during her Irvine, Calif., concert. If only Moulton coud sell her first novel online, "that would be totally cool."
t o r i p h o r i a tori amos digital archive yessaid.com