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American Doll Posse
Management: John Witherspoon and Chelsea Laird
The Bridge Entertainment Group
Chief Technician: Adam Spry
Chef: Dan Stockland
Household Coordinator: Debbie Thomas
Resident Mary Poppins: Hayley West
Studio Accountant: Helen Gilbert
Builder of the Martian Empire: John Gardiner
Strings and brass arranged by John Philip Shenale
Piano technician: Trevor Lowe
Photography: Blaise Reutersward
Art Direction & Design: Ria Lewerke & Norman Moore
Composites: Tim Wild
The Glam Squad: Karen Binns, Lesley Chilkes and Cim Mahony
US Accounting: Phil Holthouse and Cindy Cooper at Holthouse, Carlin & Van Tright
European Accounting: NMG/MGR
Legal: Peter Paterno and Michelle Jubelirer at King, Holmes, Paterno & Berliner
US Booking: Carole Kinzei at CAA
Australia and Asia Booking: marlene Tsuchii CAA
European Booking: Mike Dewdney at ITB
European Travel: Dave Brock at Rima Travel
Matt Chamberlain uses Ludwig Drums, DW, Remo drum heads, Istanbul Agop cymbals and Vic Firth sticks
Thanks to: Rob, Charlie, Andy, lee, Jacquie, Cory, Lois, Tracy, Jeroen, Scott, Lisa, Sarah, Farra, April, Abe, Laurie
My Personal Thanks...
To Mark and Natashya for giving me more laughs in just one day than I used to have in a whole year before you two
giggled your way into my life.
Mom and Dad, as always and forever.
Johnny and Chelsea, the creative Calvary.
Irene Hawley, still the best mother-in-law in Christendom.
Mollie and Dave. Marie, Cody, Casey, Kit,
Kelsey and Cory - Team Dobyns.
Matty Chamberlain and Jon Evans.
Mac Aladdin and his very cool Dad.
Marcel, Thea, Simone, and Leon van Limbeek. Phil and Katie Holthouse. Jim Garrity.
Peter Paterno. Michelle Jubelirer.
Carole Kinzel. Mike Dewdney. Cindy Cooper. Debbie, Wesley, Phillip and Kelly.
Tim and Sue. Ali Evans. Barry and Kalen at Music Sales.
Nancy Shanks (Beenie). Neil Gaiman. Nell Arnaud. Philly and Marta.
Jon Astley. The Glam Squad. Sascha Breuer. Miranda Eggleston.
Dr. Rita. Andy and Cristy. Keith Anderson. Smitty. Mr. & Mrs. Rose.
Jenni Clark. To all the Martians: Hayley, Trevor, Emily & Maizy, Super Debs, Mark, Sian, Rhys & Abbie.
Rob's Travel, Adam, karen, Edward & Luke, Helen, Dan, John, Debbie & Lee, Phil & Uncle Bob,
Paul & Gary, Mick, Pearl & family. John and Heather Penn at SSE.
Rob and Natalie van Tuin.
Ed Grossman. Matthew Rankin. Krisy Gosney. Andre Beale. Barry Pluke. Louise Thestrup. Paulette and Ilene.
Dana. The Beans. Armenda Delaney. Tanya Staite. The Medicine Men: Edru, Curtis Kekahbah.
Last but never least, the Cornish faeries.
Martian Thanks:
Neil McCombie www.scotchmcneilaudio.com
Martin Hemmerie at HBH Woolacotts www.hbh-woolacotts.co.uk
Adam Swainson. Visit www.martianengineering.com
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