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Soul Sisters Podcast
September 27, 2016
Soul Sisters Podcast: Tori Amos on the Scary Prospect of Donald Trump as President
by Jessie Katz
The Billboard office was awash in alt '90s nostalgia when Tori Amos stopped by last week to talk about her latest single "Flicker," which she wrote for the new Netflix documentary Audrie & Daisy. But that topic was just the tip of the iceberg.
What ensued was a frank discussion with Amos on the effect music streaming has had on artists' finances ("I'm speaking out about it because it's wrong"), how she had to push back against her label's notes on what would become her breakthrough album, 1992's Little Earthquakes ("Sometimes you have to fight for something as an artist, but you don't know what the answer is"), her gut reaction to Audrie & Daisy's true story of two young women who were sexually assaulted by their peers ("Netflix sent it over and when I watched it, I couldn't move") and how the specter of Donald Trump becoming the next U.S. President could dramatically alter the way she's writing her next album.
"The album might be a very different album come November 8," she explains. "I know where it's going if [Hillary Clinton] wins. But if Donald Trump becomes the president of the United States... buckle your seatbelt."
In case there's any confusion which way she'll be voting, Amos makes herself very clear:
"We're ready for Madame President."
Listen to the full episode below, hosted by Jessie Katz and Darah Golub.
t o r i p h o r i a tori amos digital archive yessaid.com