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The Huffington Post (US)
August 15, 2014
[originally aired August 14, 2015]
Musician Tori Amos: Women 'Don't Have To Apologize' So Much
by Rahel Gebreyes
Editor, HuffPost Live
Tori Amos wants women to stop apologizing so much.
The 50-year-old musician even devoted the title of her new album "Unrepentant Geraldines" to the message that women shouldn't give out any more apologies than they owe -- and should reassess what warrants them in the first place.
In an interview with HuffPost Live, Amos urged women to rethink the reasoning behind their apologies. She explained that women say sorry "for all kinds of things," oftentimes without even using those exact words. "
A 2010 study shows that women do, in fact, apologize more than men, but the issue runs much deeper. The high standards women hold themselves to, Amos suggested, contributes to the over-apologizing.
"I think the greatest place where we let ourselves down is that we sometimes think we need to be right," she told host Caitlyn Becker. "There's power in vulnerability. You don't have to know all the answers. But there is a place in life where you get to know your own mind ... And you don't have to apologize for growing and learning and changing your mind."
Watch the full HuffPost Live conversation with Tori Amos here.
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