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Sunday Express (UK)
September 2, 2001
Tori Amos
American singer-songwriter Tori Amos, 38, lives in Cornwall with her husband Mark and their one-year-old daughter, Natashya.
Did you sleep well last night?
I slept really well because my daughter slept well. Until recently, she's been waking up a few times in the night and I'm a very light sleeper so I tend to wake up, too.
Who were you with at midnight?
My daughter, but we were both fast asleep.
Who was the first person you spoke to when you got up this morning?
My husband. I think his words to me were, "You stay and sleep a while - I'm going to get up and make us some tea."
What was the best meal you had today?
Almond chicken and salad. The chicken is wrapped in an almond paste, with sun-dried tomatoes and Parmesan on top, then popped in the oven to get crispy. It was delicious. The only things I can do myself are sandwiches. In another life I'd want to have my own sandwich bar.
What was the most expensive thing you bought today?
We're having dinner with 15 people tonight, so we bought everything we needed for that. And then we're doing packed lunches for everybody because they have to go back to London. I can't let them go without taking something for the journey. The idea of them being forced by hunger to go to a road side cafe is just... well, I have nightmares about that!
How much, approximately, have you spent in total?
About 300, I guess. But we're taking a trip the day after tomorrow to the Tropics and I'm trying to get Natashya's pack ready, too, so I bought nappies, cream and a few other baby things for her.
What annoyed you most today?
I was slowing down for some people at a crossing and a motorist cut right in front of me, and then had to step on his breaks because he nearly ran over a family of five.
What really made you laugh today?
We were in a shoe shop in town and a little old lady came up to me, wanting me to help her measure her feet. I was happy that she thought I could pass as a shop girl. I told her I'd go for the baby blue rather than the canary yellow, which I thought clashed with her skin tone, but then she realised I wasn't the shop girl and it was all rather embarrassing!
What do you most regret about today?
We're taking a lot of hand luggage on the flight, so I regret that I didnt have more stuff air-freighted in advance.
What are you most proud about today?
I'm proud of the fact that today I got nicotine tablets and patches for my husband. Everyone thinks, "Wow, you're so considerate." However, think of the cause and effect of a husband who hasn't smoked on an airplane for 12 hours.
What song can you not get out of your head at the moment?
"The Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round". It's driving me nuts! I'm reaching my limit on this one - and that's why Natashya likes it so much.
What appointments did you make today?
I have a cracked tooth, and my mother's going into hospital, so I booked my ticket to go and see her. I'm going to pop up to Washington, D.C. for a day to see my mum and get my tooth fixed, take her to lunch and then make it back by the time the baby goes to bed. I love this country but you guys have to work on your dental thing.
How long did you spend getting ready this morning?
Seven minutes - I like the number seven. Seven minutes, 70 minutes, it depends on what I'm doing. I like odd numbers, which explains one husband, three pianos, three houses, one boat, one baby!
What time will you be in bed tonight?
I'm usually an 11:30pm girl. The baby's asleep and it's nice to have a little chat with my husband at the end of the day.
Was it a good hair day or a bad hair day?
It was up in a bun because we were at the beach, but tomorrow is going to be a divine hair day because we're doing a shoot and I'll have the glam squad here.
Tori's new album, Strange Little Girls, is out on 17th September.
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