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live online chat
October 2, 1999
live online chat with Tori Amos
Moderator: Please join us on Saturday at 5 PM Pacific Time (8 PM Eastern) to chat with Tori Amos!
Moderator: The chat with Tori Amos will start in 15 -20 minutes. Thanks for your patience.
Moderator: The chat with Tori Amos will be starting in about 10 minutes.
Moderator: Deb: Are you performing in Austin? Is it nice?
Tori Amos: Yes it is I am at the Backyard, curled up on the couch. I am going on stage in about an hour.
Moderator: Mike: Why did you record your album in England and do you live there?
Tori Amos: We have a studio there.
Tori Amos: it is called Martian Engineering. It is in cornwall...it is an old barn. It is kind of like our workshop with no pressure from the outside.
Moderator: Pixie: If you could say one thing to the people who come to the shows (or admire you from afar) what would it be?
Tori Amos: If you enjoy your show part of it is because of you.
Tori Amos: And if you don't enjoy the show, part of it is because of you.
Tori Amos: The show is very dependent on the people that come to see it.
Tori Amos: I know that because people think if they have their tickets they don't do anything. But that is not how magic happens.
Tori Amos: Alchemy happens because of the relationship
Tori Amos: The songs...that are coming...and what is driving the people to show up.
Moderator: StarfuckerSwirl: Will You be planning on doing a full european tour after your promotions?
Tori Amos: I am not sure. I did not think I was going to do this it was all a bit of a surprise
Tori Amos: things are moving so fast as far as information and hard to project out 6 months.
Tori Amos: I will be in Europe from Mid to end of October probably until beginning of December doing television.
Moderator: bubble: When will the new LP be out in England
Tori Amos: It is out now....
Tori Amos: And I have not released a single there yet, and they will be releasing a different single than US
Moderator: Michael Fellows: Did you ever want to be a vegan?
Tori Amos: I respect people that have that discipline and understand the choice, but I am lioness and sometimes the desire for blood is just too great.
Tori Amos: BUT, I applaud those that make that choice.
Tori Amos: I do think, if you are going to eat meat or anything with a head on it, then it is important that the creature is treated with respect while they are alive.
Tori Amos: and that is a huge problem that we like it or not we have to address and we are being forced to address it, all of us
Tori Amos: I think over the next 10 years a change, because of necessity as opposed to consciousness
Moderator: kimma: "Tori what was your over all thought on the tour with Alanis?"
Tori Amos: Well you have to figure that two separate productions working together is very tricky
Tori Amos: all things considered we both handled it with mutual respect and I grew to like her in a big way.
Tori Amos: Friendship is a very sacred word and I don't throw it around lightly.
Moderator: Delores Quade: Do you write your lyrics in a stream of consciousness?
Tori Amos: ish...sometimes you only get a word or a verse at a time so you have to scope
Tori Amos: for me it is about trying to see who the song is
Tori Amos: what is her character, where does she come from
Tori Amos: it is like doing a character is she grape or grain
Tori Amos: does she wear perfume or only use lotion all these things really matter then you start to get inside her head and see through her eyes
Tori Amos: Yes it is very true.
Tori Amos: the Bull is in Ireland and as far as I know he is doing just fine and that is definitely the sound he makes.
Tori Amos: we sampled him and he is on the CD
Tori Amos: two samples.
Tori Amos: Him doing his male cry and shoveling manure.
Moderator: todd: Tori, can you explain the song "datura"?
Tori Amos: Datura is a hallucinogenic plant and if you put too much of the essence in water it could kill you or give you a great trip, but I have not tried it.
Moderator: joanna17f: Tori: When are you coming to Australia????
Tori Amos: Hi everyone in Autralia I miss you and I think of you a lot and I have great memories from there.
Moderator: kathryn: why didnt you thank the faeries in your new album
Tori Amos: You did not look hard enough, I did...
Tori Amos: you will have to look for them
Tori Amos: They are not intrested in being cliche.
Moderator: unscathed: What is Riot Poof about?
Tori Amos: Riot Poof is an english from a dutch saying that is homosexual reference...
Tori Amos: sort of like a queen
Tori Amos: and one of the guys on the crew came out and I wrote it in honor of him
Moderator: Kimberlee: What is your inspiration to this latest album?
Tori Amos: The title came first
Tori Amos: so a lot of the songs where inspired by venus and since the title was in place a lot of the song almost think of what are the laws of this place
Tori Amos: so there are certain sonic principals that work that are based upon a world we created.
Moderator: Jupiter (Melbourne,: Tori why do you think your music has reached so many young gays?
Tori Amos: I think that gay beings have to work through a lot of projected shame on to them and having been brought up in an extremely Christian home there was a lot of shame sexually and sensually as a woman
Tori Amos: whether you choose to be with the same sex or not, that to me is an extremely personal choice
Tori Amos: but the shaming aspect if you really think about it freedom to express your self sexually
Tori Amos: and to still see yourself a spiritual being is not allowed
Tori Amos: Over the last hundreds of years you were a vessel for the dark side
Tori Amos: opposed to a physical and a spiritual being who was aligning themselves
Tori Amos: with their physical world and their spiritual world we can have both
Moderator: Red: ever heard of Lebanon? would u like to sing in here?
Tori Amos: Of course I have heard of it
Tori Amos: I have friend that wrote a song called "Relax in Lebanon" in the 80's a new wave song
Tori Amos: And I love the food.
Tori Amos: That is always gateway or entry place to a culture...food and music
Moderator: mairead: What made you change your mind about going on the internet? Before you never liked it.
Tori Amos: I have been going on for a long time....but I really don't know how to enter it myself.
Tori Amos: I am surrounded by people that have tons of computers.
Tori Amos: Everyone on the tour has a laptop
Tori Amos: and when being surrounded by them, I will ask them...I am into books but I understand the new worlds that are being discovered
Tori Amos: I guess its universes within universes and not formats.
Moderator: Happy_phantom: Do you choose the pictures that are in the singles and albums?
Tori Amos: Yes I do.
Moderator: brybry: I was wondering what was left for you to do now....are you at all interested in producing other artists
Tori Amos: it crosses my mind
Tori Amos: but you know that saying when friends live together and then they wish they haven't
Tori Amos: and then the friendship sours
Tori Amos: that is what it's like
Tori Amos: with somebody that would come in it could be very tricky
Tori Amos: because if they were a brat what am I going to do...I will have to dip them in oil
Tori Amos: I am nervous...I may be too much of a control of freak.
Tori Amos: let me ask Natalie
Tori Amos: Natalie says number one it would seriously depend on the music
Tori Amos: and number two the relationships that I would have with them would have to be really clear
Tori Amos: it does not have to be so cut and dry
Tori Amos: I could write and produce and have a lot of guests come on
Tori Amos: sort of like a rock opera
Tori Amos: only on the gay.com network could I use those words
Tori Amos: If I wrote it and produced it then all the other artists came on with characters I could see myself doing that sort of album
Tori Amos: because I am a really a composer first
Tori Amos: I could produce and compose and then see many artists doing this
Tori Amos: like a contemporary Nefertiti poisoning others
Moderator: mark: If you could perform with any other artist who would it be
Tori Amos: Anne Boleyn
Tori Amos: She was one of Henry VIII wives
Tori Amos: and I would call that serious performance off.
Tori Amos: sorry performance art.
Tori Amos: I refer to this in Talula
Tori Amos: the line is
Tori Amos: ran into the henchman, who severed Anne Boleyn he did right quickly a merciful man
Tori Amos: she said one plus one is two and Henry said that it was three so it was here I am....
Tori Amos: Toodles. Horns.
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