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Rolling Stone (UK)
May 5, 1994
Tori Amos
Nirvana, "Heart-Shaped Box" -
Amazing art direction in that video. People are afraid of beauty and don't
associate beauty with rawness. This video was exceedingly tough, yet
"Led Zeppelin" - I'll listen to
Zeppelin any day. I like this box set. Four hours of Zeppelin. That means I can
cook and clean during Zeppelin. Laundry, dinner, folding.
Queen Latifah, "U.N.I.T.Y" - Who
are you calling a bitch? We're all bitches. But a boy better not tell us that.
Love that.
Alice Walker, "Possessing the Secret
of Joy" (Pocket Star Books) - I wrote "Cornflake Girl" because of what this
book inspired. I feel that genetic memory gets passed down. Walker talks about
this. Women have a hard time holding their mothers accountable, because mothers
have had such a hard time. It's not about blame, but taking responsibility.
Bjork and Polly Jean Harvey -
Bjork makes me think I can jump off rooftops, and Polly makes me want to eat
mangoes so I don't stay dry 24 hours a day.
"Red Sorghum" - A movie about the
Japanese invasion of China. Until we start exposing ourselves to Asian culture,
we cannot begin to understand them. It's a whole other world I'm learning
Chris Cornell of Soundgarden - My
appreciation of male singers changes hourly. I have little woos for an
hour, then I'm on to the next one. This very hour it's Chris. But it won't be
him in an hour.
e. e. cummings - Very little
punctuation. How great. Punctuation is like a breath, a note. I hate
exclamation marks. They take away your ability to respond.
Cypress Hill, "Insane in the Brain"
- I love it. The song goes well with Thai food. Coconut curry with green
chilies. Never red chilies.
t o r i p h o r i a tori amos digital archive yessaid.com